Which Counties Have the Most South Dakota Born-and-Raised Residents?
We all come from somewhere.
That's true for every one of us. But how far away that 'somewhere' is to where we are now can vary greatly.
For some, the journey to South Dakota has covered a great distance, while others are still living not far from where they were born and raised.

Stacker recently examined data from the United States Census Bureau and found that in some South Dakota counties a large percentage of people are still residing in the very state where they were born, well above the national average of 72 percent.
In the Mount Rushmore State, one county is a full 20 percent ahead of that number.
A whopping 1,876 of the 2,026 people who call Buffalo County in Central South Dakota home are born-and-raised right here.
- Buffalo County - 92.6%
- Ziebach County - 87.4%
- Dewey County - 84.9%
- Faulk County - 83.9%
- Oglala Lakota County - 83.9%
- Jackson County - 82.9%
- Hanson County - 82.8%
- Sanborn County - 82.4%
- Hutchinson County - 82.3%
- Mellette County - 82.1%
Not surprisingly, seven of the ten counties with the highest concentration of South Dakota-born residents are among the least populated counties, ranking 46th or lower out of the 65 counties statewide.
Of the places in the top ten, Oglala Lakota is the only county with a population of more than 10,000 people (14,335).
Only one other county with more than 10,000 people made the top 25. 78.6 percent of Todd County's 10,195 residents are South Dakota born-and-raised.
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