What Makes Minnesota One of the ‘Stickiest’ States in America?
'There's No Place Like Home'
That seems to be the prevailing spirit in Minnesota, where folks who are born there stay there at one of the highest rates in the country.
According to a new study by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, the North Star State is one of the Stickiest States in America.
It's one of only 13 states where more than 70 percent of people born there 'stick around' for life.

In all, 70.9 percent of Minnesotans never leave.
The study looked at data from the American Community Survey and found that large population bases higher wages, and lower housing costs play key roles in keeping people.
'STICKIEST' STATES IN AMERICA (percentage of natives still in-state)
- Texas (82%)
- North Carolina (75.5%)
- Georgia (74.2%)
- California (73%)
- Utah (72.9%)
The numbers aren't so great for smaller states like South Dakota.
The Mount Rushmore State has the fifth lowest 'stickiest' rate in the country, holding on to just 54.2 percent of its natives.
LEAST 'STICKIEST' STATES IN AMERICA (percentage of natives still in-state)
- Wyoming (45.2%)
- North Dakota (48.6%)
- Alaska (48.7%)
- Rhode Island (55.2%)
- South Dakota (54.2%)
The same study found that Iowa retains 61.7 percent of its native residents.
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