The Friends of the Bob & Tom Show Comedy Tour returned to Sioux Falls Friday night with Kristi Lee, Drew Hastings and Jimmy Pardo and had people laughing all night.
He is the metrosexual mayor of Hillsboro, Ohio; a newlywed; a gentleman farmer; and one of the funniest people who are regulars on the Bob & Tom Show. Drew Hastings will bring his unique look at life to Sioux Falls Friday.
A year ago, comedian Tim Wilson was here in Sioux Falls for the Friends of the Bob & Tom Show Comedy Tour. Wilson passed suddenly in February and a memorial fund was established for his kids. When you come to the show Friday, you can donate.
Comedian Tim Wilson, who was a frequent visitor to Sioux Falls as part of the Bob & Tom Comedy Show Tours, died Wednesday night of an apparent heart attack. He was 52.
The Keystone Light Friends of the Bob & Tom Show Comedy Tour is coming back to Sioux Falls in April featuring someone who has never come to see us: Kristi Lee! And she's bringing Costaki Economopolous, Jimmy Pardo and Drew Hastings!
Tedeschi Trucks Band-Everybody's Talkin' recorded live on the Bob & Tom Show 5/29/12
Smokin' Joe Kubek & B'Nois King-RU4 Real? from Have Guitar Will Travel (2010)
Jack Bruce & Robin Trower-Lives of Clay from Seven Moons (2007)