Sweden Had the Best Idea Since That Fish Candy
Got to hand it to Sweden. They’ve come up with the best idea since those, well, Swedish Fish we love so much. It is an eye-opening report and one worth examining closely.
Sweden has the safest country to drive in on planet earth.
Here's how they did it: Traffic cameras set up throughout the country record people speeds. The cameras will fine people for going too fast but if you’re going under the speed limit you are automatically entered into a lottery where all the money collected from the speeders is what you could win!
Brilliant. It’s like a Robin Hood on wheels. Take from the fast and the furious and give to the slow and sensible.
Adding to their safety, not long ago Sweden they adopted a program called Vision Zero; the bold goal of zero traffic deaths in a year.
And they’re almost there.
They’ve built new highways where each lane of traffic takes turns using a middle lane to pass somebody. And, according to the Economist, there is strict policing as well.
Would you believe that only 0.25% of drivers tested are over the limit of alcohol?
Since they have prioritized Vision Zero road fatalities have plummeted. Only three per every 100,000 Swedes die on the roads. In America, it’s 4 times that. It’s time for America to get tougher on road safety, and not to impose tariffs on our most precious resource: those delicious Swedish Fish.
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