With the airlines creating PR nightmares for themselves daily, perhaps what we need is a good old-fashioned family road trip - Griswold-style. There should be no excuse not to load up your family vehicle (preferably an eight-headlight, wood paneled, gas-guzzling, metallic pea colored, station wagon) and hit the road this summer.


The forecast for gas prices just might make it more economical, too. According to the Energy Information Administration, the outlook calls for an average of $2.39 per gallon.

Reason cited include increased inventory, low crude oil prices, yada, yada, yada. What does matter is that you'll create more memories on the road than you will in a stuffy no-leg room airplane. Unless, of course, you're dragged off the plane for over-booking. That seemed quite memorable for one guy recently.

As a family, we've had our share of busy airports, airline delays, running to a connecting flight terminal, car-rental nightmares, and crowded amusement park lines. And every family should experience that. But there's no substitute for good old-fashioned road trip vacation.

Just ask Clark, Ellen, Rusty, and Audrey. We'd ask Aunt Edna but she had a rough day.

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