Sioux Falls’ Most Ignored Signs
Here are 4 great examples of signs that are completely ignored in Sioux Falls. Stay till number 1 and tell me I'm wrong.
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Duck Crossing
The sight of a mama duck leading her ducklings across the road is a heartwarming sight and motorists will stop and take pictures. But it only takes one Billy-Bob in a speeding pickup to scar us for life. No one really pays attention to this sign until feathers are flying.
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"T" Intersection Speed
You these signs in many Sioux Falls locations. It's a speed sign to warn of cross traffic at a "T" intersection. Does anyone really ever slow down for this? Nope. I'm guilty, too.
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Deer Crossing
I see this sign everyday on the way home from work along 57th street. It's amazing how many times deer run across the road here. But this still remains one of the most-ignored signs in town.
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Hu Hot sign
Sioux Falls' Most-Ignored Sign Award goes to Hu Hot! Who only takes one bowl here? Everybody takes 2; one for noodles and one for meat and toppings. Duh.