Minnesota Lottery Winners Love Story Becomes a ‘Pizza’ History!
It wasn't a love of money, but a love of one another that led to the first Minnesota Mega Millions Lottery Jackpot since the state joined the game in 2010.
No this doesn't mean this couple won the national Mega Millions Lottery. That jackpot continues to grow. After no winner on Wednesday night, the national Mega Millions prize is up to $1.02 billion!
Because Minnesota has an anonymity law:
Unless the jackpot winner chooses to opt in to publicity, their name and city will not be released. As of Sept. 1, 2021, the names and cities of lottery prize winners above $10,000 are private data.- Minnesota Mega Millions
So we don't know who the couple is. We only know that they went on their first date 30 years ago, shared a pizza, and played some scratch tickets. They've been together ever since.
The couple (let's call them "Jack & Diane" shall we?) have essentially played the same numbers for most of that 30 years. Diane said they've missed some drawings but since 2021 have been playing every one of them.
Diane fell asleep the night of the drawing, woke up, and checked the numbers which she knew by heart on her phone - -several times. She then texted Jack who was watching sports in the basement & together they stared in amazement at their ticket!
Now Jack & Diane not being your typical lottery winners did not tell anyone until they had a lawyer, an accountant, and a financial advisor in place. Then and only then did they come forward and tell a few friends and relatives.
They took the cash payout and before taxes have $66.9 million. They describe their plans as typical -
They would like to purchase a house and a car, and travel. - Minnesota Mega Millions
They also mentioned something about a personal assistant who just had to answer the phone by the pool while sipping daiquiris.
Don't bother applying. The job is mine!
Source: Minnesota Mega Millions