Election Day Is Finally Here: Everything You Need to Know
It's finally here - Election Day 2016. Following are some of the frequently asked questions concerning election day:
What times are the polls open?
Polls are open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM local time.
What do I need to have in order to vote?
You have to be registered and have a photo ID. Accepted forms of ID include South Dakota Driver’s License or a non-driver ID card, U.S. government photo ID, U.S. Armed Forces ID, current student photo ID card from a South Dakota high school or accredited institution of higher learning, or Tribal photo ID.
Where do I go to vote?
Where you vote depends on where you live. Go here to find out. A sample ballot is also available at the website.
Does South Dakota use electronic voting machines?
No. In South Dakota, we use the ‘fill in a circle with a pen’ style ballot. Read the instructions, vote, and when you're finished place it in the ballot box.
Do I have to vote in every race or on every ballot question?
No. Leave it blank when you don’t feel informed enough to make a decision. The races and public measures you choose to vote on will be counted, while the races and public measures you do not vote on will not be counted.
How long may I stay in the polling booth?
There is no time limit. If you need to take your time reading and thinking, please do so.
What if I make a mistake on my ballot?
You may request another paper ballot.
Will I still be able to vote if I'm in line past 7:00 PM?
Yes. Voters who are in line at their polling location at 7:00 PM will still be allowed to vote, no matter how long it takes for each person to cast a ballot.
Can someone help me vote?
Yes. If you need help because you're disabled, or cannot read the ballot, federal law allows you to have a friend or relative assist you in the voting booth. Election employees can also help you.
Is it okay for people to approach me at the polling place?
No. It is against the law in South Dakota to campaign at a poling place, interfere with a voter or try to shame or encourage anyone to vote a certain way.
For other questions, call the Minnehaha County Clerk's office at 605-367-5900 or the South Dakota Secretary of State Office at 605-773-3537.
More Information:
Source: South Dakota Secretary of State
See Also: