Hi, my name is Chad McKenzie. I host the Main Street Café, mornings on 1140 KSOO, along with News Director Beth Warden. I’m considered one of the “old farts” in Sioux Falls radio. I’ve been waking people up in the tri-state area since 1984. I spent my formative years growing up on a small farm just outside of Chester, South Dakota. After deciding that wasn’t my cup of tea, and realizing I had the gift of gab, I enrolled at South Dakota State University, where I went on to graduate and land a radio job in Sioux Falls and I’ve been here ever since. Back in the 1990’s, I also did weather for KELOLAND Television. It was then I realized radio was my true love. Whenever I have any free time, you’ll find me either on a golf course with friends, or riding motorcycle down a two-lane country road.