Did You Know that Sioux Falls has 2 Sister Cities?
Did you know that Sioux Falls has two Sister Cities? Yep, our town is partnered with cities in Germany and Northern Ireland.
The Sister Cities program was founded by President Eisenhower in 1956. The goal is people-to-people citizen diplomacy through cultural exchanges and relationship building.
Through the Sister Cities Association of Sioux Falls, we are partnered with Potsdam, Germany, and Newry and Mourne District Council, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
Potsdam is located in eastern Germany very close to Berlin. After the reunification of East and West Germany in the 90's Postdam became the capital city of the state of Brandenburg. Postdam is roughly the same size as Sioux Falls in population and area. We even have similar climates with cold, snowy winters and warm summers. It is however far older than Sioux Falls. Postdam is thought to have been a settlement of some sort for over 1000 years.
Potsdam and Sioux Falls became sister cities in 1990. This is the oldest such partnership between a U.S. municipality and a city in the former East Germany.
Watch: Take a Drive Through Downtown Sioux Falls of the 1950s
Newry, Mourne, and Down District is an area of southeastern Northern Ireland with a population of almost 110,000. It includes several towns along the coast of the Irish Sea.
Sioux Falls has been a Sister City with Newry, Mourne, and Down District since 2008. In 2007 the District reached out to Sioux Falls when they were looking for a partner in South Dakota.
Find out more about the Sioux Falls Sister City Association here.
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