The Midwest is well represented on the list of best state capitals in which to live. All of the regional states are within the top twenty.

WalletHub is the group that compiles loads of information about lots of topics that attempts to paint a picture of how to get the most bang for you buck. This particular survey looked at 51 data points to determine the quality of life that someone would wish to achieve in any state capital in the United States.

Regionally, coming in at number 19, is Des Moines. Pierre is one notch higher at 18, Cheyenne, Wyoming is at 16 and St. Paul, Minnesota is number 15. In fact, numbers 15 through 21 are all within a range of 55.1 to 55.8 which is a pretty tight grouping.

In singling out Pierre to explain the high marks received, affordability (especially housing), economic well being, a low percentage of the population is in poverty, plus quality of education and health were all positive factors. One drawback was the lower quality of life in Pierre as compared to other states.

Lincoln, Nebraska and Bismarck, North Dakota both cracked the top five while Austin, Texas was deemed the best state capital in which to live. Trenton, New Jersey took the fiftieth slot.

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