Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge which took over social media and created real awareness for ALS? That was 2 years ago and since then there have been a few similar fundraising challenges, but none have had the same impact... until now.

In an effort to raise funds and awareness for veterans’ mental health issues, a veterans organization called 22Kill has created the #22PushupChallenge.

Their goal is to raise awareness for veteran suicide and mental health issues such as PTS and educate the public about current veteran-related topics and issues.

Every day, 22 veterans take their own lives, and to bring attention to this crushing statistic, people are challenging each other to do 22 push-ups a day for 22 days and document it on social media.

You can also support the cause by wearing a tungsten 22kill honor ring.

It is time to dust off those gym shoes and do some push-ups. It will bring attention to a worthy cause ... and maybe even get you buff in the process.

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