What Are You Doing On Your Phone? Is Anybody Talking Anymore?
Tuesday was a big day in the tech world with the release of the new iPhone 6 and Apple Watch.
But as these devices get more and more advanced, should we even call them phones anymore?
A new survey says we're using our smartphones more than ever - an average of 10 hours a day among college-aged women, seven-and-a-half hours a day for men.
Those numbers are staggering considering that we're only awake 16-18 hours a day. But what exactly are we doing on our devices?
The easy answer? Everything but talking, especially if you're a guy.
The top activities for women on smartphones:
1. Pinterest
2. Instragram
3. Amazon.com
4. Making calls
5. Texting
The top activities for men on smartphones:
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. Instragram
4. E-mail
5. Reading books
6. Texting
7. Making calls
So what's the difference? It's all in how men and women look at their smartphones.
According to the research, smartphones are a source of entertainment for guys, a means of communication for the ladies.
I'm far from college-aged, but almost all the way thru an entire workday, I have not made a single call on my smartphone, but have probably done at least a dozen other things with it.
What are your priorities when it comes to how you use your phone?