These Guys Just Called Chislic The ‘WORST FOOD IN SOUTH DAKOTA’!
These guys just called South Dakota's Chislic “some sort of Prairie Disease.” What!?
Although Chislic is not officially the State Food of South Dakota, it could just a well be. Not only is Chislic one of the best things you'll ever dine on ... these little cubes of seasoned meat are also just plain happiness in a basket!
Thrillist put out a list of 'Every State's Most Disgusting Food' and they had this to say about beloved Chislic...
“It may sound like an off-brand Chicklet, or some sort of prairie disease, but chislic is, in fact, dice-sized meat cubes (lamb, beef, wild game) seasoned and thrown into a deep fryer, then served to be eaten with toothpicks. It's actually delicious, though the sight of shriveled-up cubed meat in a basket might make you feel like you have a strong case of the chislics.”

In 2018 Governor Dennis Daugaard and the South Dakota legislature passed Senate Bill 96 that declared Chislic the Official Snack Of The Land. That ain't no small thing.
Heck, In South Dakota we even have our own Chislic Festival in Freeman every year. I like how they describe the tradition of Chislic … “It comes not from cities, the wealthy or the privileged, but from the rural, hardworking farm tradition of the Germans from Russia people.” Yeah!
I can only imagine that the same people that would diss our Chislic are the same people that hate Rainbows and yell at puppies? Just guessing...
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