Strangest Roundabout Ever?
If you happen to drive through the small town of Brayton, Iowa, at the intersection of 350th and 710th streets, you might see something very strange in the middle of the road.
According to the Des Moines Register, photographer Kelsey Kremer was on assignment Sunday in Audubon, Iowa. She was trying to find an overpass to photograph Interstate Highway 80 and ended up at the intersection where at 100-foot cottonwood tree stood, right in the middle of the road.
So why is there a huge tree in the road? How did it get there? Well according to photographer Christopher L. Nelson page, back in the 1850s, a surveyor was marking the line between Audubon and Cass counties and only had a cottonwood sprout on hand. The sprout took root and grew into the massive tree it is today, becoming the intersection of the two roads.
Source: desmoinesregister.com
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