South Dakota Honors Fallen Veterans with Bridge Dedication
Two former South Dakota Veterans will be honored next week with bridges dedicated in their honor. Ceremonies for Marine Combat Veteran Lance Corporal Kenneth Jamerson and Army Combat Veteran Staff Sergeant Jeremy Vrooman will take place in Little Eagle and in Sioux Falls.
According to press releases by the South Dakota Department of Veterans Affairs, LCPL Jamerson, of Little Eagle died April 1967, at the Da Nang Hospital in Vietnam from injuries received when a land mine exploded while he was on patrol. His ceremony will be held Thursday, July 15 at the Orange Striped Gym in Little Eagle. The South Dakota Grand River Bridge at Little Eagle will be dedicated to LCPL Jamerson.
SSG Vrooman, of Mitchell and Sioux Falls, was deployed from March 2003 to March 2004, and June 2008 to July 2008 in Support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Vrooman saved the lives of his troops from a blast after entering an abandoned building first to secure the area. The South Dakota HWY 42 Bridge east of Sioux Falls and west of Rowena will be dedicated to SSG Vrooman.

This honor for our soldiers began with an initiative by Governor Kristi Noem and the South Dakota Departments of Military, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs in 2019. Each year, six bridges are dedicated.
You will find a list of past and future dedications here.
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