College will never get any cheaper. Student loans are following some parents to their graves. It is a travesty, but it is also the truth. Grants and scholarships can be a saving grace when your child starts the process of looking for a way to afford to go to the college or university of their choice.

Hy-Vee and Sanford along with a roster of other generous sponsors teamed up two years ago to offer scholarships to deserving students who have been involved in sports for a time during, or throughout, their high school career.

These deserving senior students must be nominated by a school official (principal, coach, teacher, counselor, etc.), have a GPA of 2.5 or higher, demonstrated extraordinary character and leadership qualities and commit to attending a two or four-year college or university, the fall following their graduation.

School officials nominating students for these $5000 scholarships must submit the nomination materials to Sanford Health before Friday, November 16th at 5 PM. The students you nominate must also answer several questions on the nomination forms, so get yours now!

For more information, call Brad Coleman with Sanford Health, at 605-312-7054 or see the Legends for Kids website.

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