Minnesota City Is Shockingly The Worst for Local Flower Shops
Guys-If you have been sleeping under a rock, Valentine's Day is TODAY! There's no time to waste!
If you're a Minnesota man looking for flowers for his sweetheart, you might want to stay clear of this town. They are known to be one of the worst cities for local flower shops. The last thing Minnesotans want is sad flowers on Valentine's Day.

Lawn Love just released its list of the 2024's Best Cities for Local Flowers. The company "compared the 500 biggest U.S. cities based on five floral categories. We looked at access to flower shops and specialty-cut flower vendors, consumer ratings, and even the number of flower festivals." The top ten cities on the 2024's Best Cities for Local Flowers from Lawn Love have easier access to fresh flower farms and delivery services.
Here are the best cities for local flowers from Lawn Love:
1 | New York, NY |
2 | Miami, FL |
3 | San Francisco, CA |
4 | Seattle, WA |
5 | Los Angeles, CA |
6 | Chicago, IL |
7 | Portland, OR |
8 | Philadelphia, PA |
9 | St. Louis, MO |
10 | Houston, TX |
So what is the Minnesota town that is considered to be one of the worst cities for local flower shops and why? You would think it would be a bigger Minnesota town. But think again. It's not Minneapolis...say hello to the town of Woodbury, Minnesota.
This Minnesota city is just outside of Minneapolis. It's about a 30-minute drive east of the Twin Cities area. What makes Woodbury one of the worst cities for local flower shops? The experts at Lawn Love explain this town has "little access to fresh flowers." Plus, the city's population is not that big. It's under 200,000 residents. Woodbury ranks at #499 on the lost from Lawn Love...yikes! More details about this survey can be found here.
So attention to all Minnesota men looking for flowers today: You're better off trying to find fresh roses in the big city.
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