It’s National Vinyl Record Day!
It's not every day you hear someone talk about buying a vinyl record with CDs, iTunes, and other music streaming services today. Some readers may even be surprised that I know what vinyl records are. In fact, they play a big part in my music background.
My mom and dad were the biggest influences in my life for music. We listened to anything from Kenny Loggins to Johnny Cash or The Beach Boys to Faith Hill. There was always something different playing in the house.
My dad went on a short trip to Ohio one weekend. When he came home, he brought in this tall wood object. I thought it was just a tall table at first, but then he lifted the top lid. It was a victrola.
My sister and I were about 11-years old at the time when my dad brought the victrola home. We had no idea what it was because we've never seen anything like it before.
My dad went downstairs and brought up this box full of vinyl records. He pulled out a U2 record and taught us how to use the victrola. I remember being really excited when I heard the music play.
My dad still has this victrola and he will play records on it from time to time. What are some of your favorite memories of vinyl records? What was the first song you ever heard on vinyl?