Police Hope Newly Released Pictures Can Help Solve 1981 Case Involving Dead Baby
Police are looking for any new tips on a cold case file which involved the discovery of a newborn baby boy's body 37 years ago.
In February of 1981 a man driving by an undeveloped area of land on Sycamore Avenue spotted a baby blanket that caught his attention and discovered the infant’s body. The white newborn infant was just hours old at the time of his death and may have been in the ditch for up to 24 hours.
Police searched records of hospital births in the area and all babies born were accounted for. The blanket did not appear to be hospital issued.
Officer Sam Clemens says that sometimes people have a tip, but they determine it is insignificant and don't call it in. He asks to call in the information to police and let them be the judge as to if the information is helpful. He cites another case recently where multiple small tips lead to understanding a broader scenario of the situation.
DNA has now been obtained and authorities are asking again for any tips, that could now tie in the DNA to other facts of the case.
You can contact police directly or remain anonymous through Crimestoppers.
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