Comfort Food Making Big Comeback during COVID-19 Outbreak
With so many things out of our control during the COVID-19 pandemic, it's not surprising that we're desperately looking for things that remind us of simpler times when the world seemed a lot more 'normal'.
Topping that list - what we're eating.
OnePoll, in conjunction with Farm Rich, asked 2,000 Americans about their eating habits during the coronavirus outbreak and they found that we're reaching for more and more comfort food during these uncertain times.
Two-thirds of those surveyed say they're increasingly chowing down on things like pizza (55%), hamburgers (48%), and ice cream (46%) over the past six months.
Other items that have seen a sharp increase since March are things like French fries, macaroni and cheese, and, spaghetti and meatballs.
But it's not just what we're eating, but how often we're eating it that has changed. The study found that the average American is opting for comfort foods now six times a week, and that's added about an average of six pounds of extra weight on our bellies.
So exactly how strong is our attachment to these 'feel good' foods?
More than two-thirds of us (67%) say we would give up booze before handing over the pizzas, burgers, and cones.
That's serious!
When it comes to those in-between meal snack breaks, more and more of us are reaching for chocolate (49%), potato chips (46%), and cookies (39%).
What have been your go-to comfort foods over the past six months?

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