If you, your son or daughter, or someone you know is planning on getting into the medical field, point them to South Dakota.

It's the best place in the nation to practice medicine.

When i first saw this on the WalletHub website, I immediately went...hmmm.

Well, with a little further exploring, they said South Dakota had the 2nd highest annual wage for Physicians, 5th in the country for what they called Lowest Projected Competition by 2024, 3rd in Lowest Malpractice Award Payout and 2nd in Least Expensive Annual Malpractice Liability Insurance.

Now, I'm not sure what all of that put together means (get more details here) except apparently if you want to wear a stethoscope and white lab coat, toss them in the car and head for the Sunshine state.

Or at least to the area. Turns out our neighbors didn't do too bad either when it comes to Doc's in the state: Nebraska was 2nd ranked nationally, while Iowa was 4th and Minnesota 5th. (Where oh where is North Dakota?? Not bad...9th)

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