5 Things I Didn’t Know About Wall Drug
Wall Drug. You can't say you haven't heard about it. There are literally signs everywhere. In fact, all over the world.
For those who say it's an overrated attraction, hold on there, pardner. Here are 5 interesting things I didn't know about Wall Drug - until an early winter trip to the Black Hills.
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Clipart_www.jupiterimages.com/unlimited 1Founded on Faith
In the early 1930's, Ted and Dorothy Hustead roamed the plains with a $3,000 inheritance looking a drug store for sale. But they wouldn't buy one unless the town had a Catholic church. Wall, SD. had one. To this day, you can visit the Traveler's Chapel out back.
- (Photo by Doreen Spooner/Keystone Features/Getty Images)
(Photo by Doreen Spooner/Keystone Features/Getty Images) 2A 'Godforsaken' Town
Even Ted Hustead's own father-in-law, along with everyone else, tried to talk Ted and Dorothy out of settling in Wall, calling it a 'Godforsaken' town.
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clipart 35,000 Ice Waters Served Daily
Very early in their venture, Ted couldn't figure out how to get the heavy traffic from route 16A. It was Dorothy's idea to put up a sign offering free ice water to thirsty travelers. After a very busy first day, Dorothy said, "Well Ted, I guess the ice water sign worked."
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clipart 4Waiting on Rushmore
On days when business was slow, Dorothy encouraged Ted by telling him that when they finish Mt. Rushmore, "there will be an endless stream of people" through the store.
- Danny V
Danny V 5Where's Mr. Wall?
Many people do not know that there was never a Mr. Wall at the drug store. The town was named Wall because it sat near the Badlands "wall."
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