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5 Dumb Questions That Make a South Dakotan Hoppin' Mad

When friends from other states come to visit there seems to be the need for a lot of explaining about South Dakota. Having actually had to answer a few questions like this - we thought we'd answer.

Feel free to send this on to them before their next visit so you can focus on more important issues - like beer.

LOOK: Things from the year you were born that don't exist anymore

The iconic (and at times silly) toys, technologies, and electronics have been usurped since their grand entrance, either by advances in technology or breakthroughs in common sense. See how many things on this list trigger childhood memories—and which ones were here and gone so fast you missed them entirely.

30 Ways You Might Have Already Broken the Law Today

Most of us try the best we can to be law-abiding citizens, but did you know that you may have been breaking the law without even realizing it?

BestLifeOnline has a list of 30 of the most common transgressions. How many have you been guilty of over the years?

Out of 30, I am guilty of 19. And no I won't tell you which ones.

50 Things Men Shouldn’t Have After They Turn 40

One of the hardest parts about getting older is coming to grips with the fact that the things that defined you in your 20s aren't so cool when you're in your 40s.

To help guys who are on the other side of 40, BestLife has put together a list of '50 Things No Man Over 40 Should Own'.

Now I'm quite a ways past 40 these days (56), but I decided to see just how many of these 50 things I am still clinging to well past their 'expiration' date for a man of my age.

When friends from other states come to visit there seems to be the need for a lot of explaining about South Dakota. Having actually had to answer a few questions like this - we thought we'd answer.

Feel free to send this on to them before their next visit so you can focus on more important issues - like beer.

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5 dumb questions you're sure to get asked: Then we'll just laugh and have a beer.

  • Danny V
    Danny V

    "How can you live here with all this snow and cold?"

    Believe it or not, we have 4 seasons. Winter is not always our favorite but we also snow ski, go tubing, and even winter hikes are amazing here. Yes, shoveling snow gets old for us come March, but it makes spring more joyous when it finally arrives.

  • PaulGrecaud_Thinkstock

    "Do you guys seriously go 'cow tippin'"?

    I grew up with a lot of farm friends and not once have they ever admitted to actually pulling off a successful cow-tipping adventure. Let's just go with "nope" on this one - but then again - a case of Busch Light has made us mid-westerners do some crazy things.

  • Danny V
    Danny V

    "You guys still have horse and buggy?"

    Um...nope. We drive things with engines and seats - just like you. Occasionally, we buy fun ones to go off-roading in the Black Hills.

  • Home wifi network. Internet via router on phone,
    Home wifi network. Internet via router on phone,

    "Do you have wi-fi?"

    Yes. Home, work, school, and Taco John's have this magic thing called wi-fi. You we can scroll Facebook and find out what our hip friends like Laura Wilder are up to. LMAO.

  • 5

    "Is there really a back-side to Mt. Rushmore?"

    Mt. Rushmore faces southeast - so what's behind it? Well the most famous South Dakota postcard of all time has inspired a laugh or two, but it's not true.

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