
No ‘Pokemon Go’ Upsets Olympic Athletes in Rio
No ‘Pokemon Go’ Upsets Olympic Athletes in Rio
No ‘Pokemon Go’ Upsets Olympic Athletes in Rio
So we all have been hearing plenty of griping from Olympic athletes, coaches and spectators about the conditions in Rio. And rightfully so. I mean seriously… the water is contaminated, Zika could be everywhere and the housing isn’t up to par...
The Olympics Are Taking Over My Life. Only 11 Days Left!
The Olympics Are Taking Over My Life. Only 11 Days Left!
The Olympics Are Taking Over My Life. Only 11 Days Left!
I seriously love the Olympics. For the couple of weeks when the Olympics are going on it is pretty much like a full time job for me. It keeps me up past my bedtime because I gotta see who wins the Super Combined Alpine Skiing event. When was the last time I cared about Super Combined Alpine Skiing...