No Offense, But Your Dog or Cat is Probably Fat
Could this pug stand to lose a few pounds? This pug is not alone. A new study found that more than half of American pets are overweight or obese. A new survey from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) found that 59.5 percent of cats and 55.8 percent of dogs are too fat.
The study went on to find that most pet owners and even veterinarian staff are confused by conflicting advice about pet nutrition.
The majority of pet owners are overwhelmed with pet food choices and conflicting dietary advice and desperately want help and nutritional recommendations from veterinarians. ~ APOP president Dr. Ernie Ward
I can say that most dog owners like me are eagerly awaiting some nicer weather to get out and take longer walks with our pets. March has been particularly nasty for exercising with pets because of snow and ice. Hang in there, Fido. Your longer walks are coming. Sioux Falls is due for much nicer weather and warmer temps as early as next week.
NomNomNow has put together a nice guide with tips on helping your dog lose weight.
Until then, let's try not to let feed our dogs under the table, alright, kids?