You Could Be Married in Hell
Doesn't getting married in Hell sound lovely? Try not to picture a cloven-hooved demon officiating your big day, but rather Reverend Vonn at a small chapel in the quaint little town of Hell, Michigan.
The town is looking for couples from anywhere across the U.S. to come to Hell on February 29th at 2:29 p.m. to get married. The benefit? You can say you were "married in Hell" and mean it, and you only need to remember your anniversary every 4 years as 2020 is a leap year.
And on the upside, the temperatures are forecast to be in the low 40s for Saturday so Hell won't actually freeze over, which is nice for the bridezilla and her gaggle of satin-donned maids.
Couples can register for the mass wedding by texting Revered Vonn at 810-623-1129. The first 29 couples will be accepted. Each couple married there will receive a marriage license that reads, "married in Hell."
I stayed in Hell, Michigan once when I went to a NASCAR race nearby. Contrary to the popular saying, the hinges on the gates of Hell weren't really that hot. It was 82 degrees.