When Do You Know it’s Christmas Time?
Do you hear it? Do you smell it? Nope, not the leftover Halloween candy and ghouls creeping around. This is a totally different sound and smell. The ones enjoyed by all generations. It's the smell of Christmas!
Big box stores have had Christmas scenes and merchandise strewn throughout their isles for weeks now. As for many Halloween and Thanksgiving fall by the wayside. But as Christmas takes center stage comes the most anticipated season of all. Shopping! And if I did my math right retailers will enjoy and extra week of sales.
It won't be that long before we walk through store isles with wall-to-wall Christmas music. Shopping cart shortages. Longer checkout lines and Christmas treat samples.
And if you scan The Empire Mall you will find Santa's schedule. A note to parents, there are two special dates.
So as you begin to pull boxes of decorations out from underneath the steps and the attic and untangle the lights do everyone a favor before this joyous season begins. Give thanks.