What State Has the Most Turkey-Related Jobs?
Turkey -- it's the centerpiece of many a Thanksgiving dinner. It's also quite the industry.
Yes, turkeys are responsible for thousands of jobs all across the country.
Zippia has come out with a list of the states with the most turkey-related jobs, so what better time to look at it than in the lead-up to the day when 46 million of these gobblers will be gobbled up? And considering there are more than 112,000 people around the U.S. who work in the turkey industry, it's safe to say this is a business that's pretty darned stable, especially now -- an astonishing 20% of all turkeys produced in the States is eaten on Thanksgiving.
States With the Most Turkey-Related Jobs
- Minnesota - 12,520
- Iowa - 11,673
- California - 11,380
- North Carolina - 9,135
- Indiana - 5,735
- Arkansas - 5,700
- Illinois - 5,521
- Ohio - 5,364
- South Carolina - 4,469
- Virginia - 4,025
Zippia used data from the National Turkey Federation and the Department of Agriculture to generate its list.
And, in case you're curious, the state with the least turkey jobs is Wyoming, where a measly seven people make their living with those birds.