The good people of South Dakota are all about helping others and now we can prove it.

According to a report released earlier this week, the state of South Dakota ranks in the top 10 states in the nation when it comes to volunteering.

The Corporation for National and Community Service says that nearly 35 percent of South Dakota residents did some sort of volunteer work in 2013.  That percentage translates to about 21.5 million hours of volunteering service hours over the a one year period of time.  That also has a financial footprint of about $410 million.

As a nation, the report estimates about 25 percent of Americans did some sort of volunteer work in 2013.  The state with the highest volunteer rate belongs to Utah with a percentage of 44.6 percent.  The number two spot belongs to Idaho, Minnesota is at number three (36.3 percent), Kansas is number four and Wisconsin rounds out the top 5.  The number six and seven spots are actually a draw between Iowa and South Dakota.

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