South Dakota Weatherman To Receive A Special HonorSouth Dakota Weatherman To Receive A Special HonorPhil Schreck will have his portrait immortalized on Sunny's Pizzeria's “Sioux Falls Wall of Notability" mural. Congratulations, Phil!Christine ManikaChristine Manika
Expect To Hear Lots of Loud Noises In Sioux Falls On WednesdayExpect To Hear Lots of Loud Noises In Sioux Falls On WednesdayIf you're wondering why there's a loud noise on Wednesday, now you know! Christine ManikaChristine Manika
Check Out This Stunning Drone Footage Of Snowy Sioux FallsCheck Out This Stunning Drone Footage Of Snowy Sioux FallsOne thing is for sure: Snow looks better from above than it does on the ground.Christine ManikaChristine Manika
Sioux Falls Great Bear Ski Valley Closes For Winter StormSioux Falls Great Bear Ski Valley Closes For Winter StormIf you were planning to ski on Tuesday, it will have to wait! Great Bear Ski Valley will be closed due to inclement weather.Christine ManikaChristine ManikaDakota News NowDakota News Now
Sioux Falls Experiences ‘Haboob-‘ What The Heck Does That Mean?Sioux Falls Experiences ‘Haboob-‘ What The Heck Does That Mean?Thursday's storm had a little extra element to it. And no...a Haboob is not the monkey from Disney's "Aladdin."Christine ManikaChristine Manika
What You Need to Know When Temp Reaches 100What You Need to Know When Temp Reaches 100Another day of scorching temps so play it smart when you play and work outdoors.Dave RobertsDave Roberts