Sioux Falls Nostalgia Unleashed: Captain 11 Turns 69 Sioux Falls Nostalgia Unleashed: Captain 11 Turns 69 Step back in time to the era of Captain 11, where Dave Dedrick's blue pilot uniform sparked childhood excitement.Danny VDanny V
Unforgettable: ‘Captain 11′ is a Magical Piece Of Sioux Falls HistoryUnforgettable: ‘Captain 11′ is a Magical Piece Of Sioux Falls HistoryI didn't know anyone named Dave Dedrick. But I sure did know Captain 11.Randy McDanielRandy McDaniel
Baby Boomer Memory: An Everyday After School FriendBaby Boomer Memory: An Everyday After School FriendThere were a few absolutes for me growing up on that little farm. There was a test at the little two-room school tomorrow and I wasn't ready. The pigs had to be slopped (If you don't know what slopping pigs is, ask your dad...or maybe granddad...Randy McDanielRandy McDaniel