Sioux Falls’ Five Best Parking Spots
Finding the best place to park is a hobby for some people. For others, it is something that must be done before exiting the vehicle as walking more than 20 yards is unacceptable.
Getting a good parking spot in Sioux Falls feels like some kind of victory. Some parking spots are truly premium. If you get one it is less like a game victory and more like winning $100 on a scratch lottery ticket.

Some great parking spots aren't close to the door, they are convenient for other reasons. Some are just impossible to get, while others are a life hack that may be controversial.
Downtown in Front of Shriver Square
If you are going downtown on a Friday or Saturday night and you are able to snatch one of these choice spots, it is your lucky day. It is about as centrally located to most things downtown as you could ask for if you are hitting the nightspots and restaurants.
That one spot in front of the door at 41st Street Qdoba
On more than one occasion I have had a passenger with me when I pulled up to this Qdoba location and pulled into the spot right smack in front of the door and had them say "You can't park here." After saying "Can so!" like my 8-year-old self and they say it's a disabled parking spot I ask them where the sign is. Then they look for it and realize the only handicapped parking signs are for the next two spots to the right.
The spot next to the cart corral south of the door at Costco
There's is a lot of parking at Costco and their buffer zones between parking spots is genius. But the average parking spot there isn't close to a cart corral. Had there been an Eleventh Commandment, I'm pretty sure Moses would have described "Thou shalt not leave shopping carts in the parking lot." So to avoid another hike to put the cart away, park right next to it.
Front row (or any spot) at Sanford Women's
My wife and I have three kids. Three times we were temporary residents at Sanford Women's. Anyone who has had a baby there knows that parking is a nightmare. It's super busy, and sometimes dad or someone there helping mom will need to make a quick trip somewhere. Is it worth giving up the spot? How bad do you want that Burger Time?
"New and Expectant Parent" parking in front of Dick's at Empire Mall
The great thing about these spots is that people with an overdeveloped sense of empathy will not park here. The greater thing about these spots is that while they are "reserved" for "new and expectant" parents, there is no legal enforcement over who parks there. Is it illegal to park there? No. Is it immoral? That is for you to decide for yourself.
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