UPDATE: The first version of this story had the title "Sioux Falls Batman Hangs Up His Cape." This was in error as many though he was selling his costume. In reality, he is simply  continuing his love for helping kids as Batman in a different community and a different state. I apologize for any confusion.

Here's some news we didn't expect to hear today. Sioux Fall Batman has decided to move to the east coast with his family to continue his super-hero alter-ego.

The Team Batman caped-crusader has visited hospital rooms for ill children, attended every year of the Cure Kids Cancer Radiothon, and many other local functions over the past several years. It's great to see this superhero high-five kids in dire circumstances and he will be missed.

Dark Knight Entertainment Facbook page
Dark Knight Entertainment Facebook page

He didn't just walk the walk either, he drove a custom Batmobile to his events and would always turn heads while driving on Sioux Falls streets. In his farewell video posted below it's impressive how many families he thanks and gives encouragement to the kids, he's met along the way.

But never fear citizens. We still have a Captain America, Captain Marvel, and Spiderman to watch over Gotham...I mean Sioux Falls. Can we still shine the bat light into the sky if we need you? Good luck, friend.

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