Progress: South Dakota Ag in the Classroom, Ground Works
Ever since the first teaching garden began youth across South Dakota have put their curiosity and learning skills into the dirt. And it's a good thing.
According to the latest report from Ground Works-Midwest almost 7,000 students are enrolled in the South Dakota Ag in the Classroom (SDAITC) program. This comprises of 101 public schools and 23 private schools in the state. The goal of the organization is to be in 150 fourth grade classrooms during the 2018-19 school year. They also hope to someday expand the program to include grades 5-8.
SDAITC provides programs to elementary students across the state teaching them about agriculture.
In addition to the SDAITC program, Ground Works Midwest also offers STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) education and YES (Youth Eating Smart) summer camps.
Upcoming tours for SDAITC include a stop here in Sioux Falls on Tuesday, November 13. Other tour dates are listed at Ground Works-Midwest.
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