Prepare for Orange Barrel Brigade in Eastern Sioux Falls
Drivers will see big changes over the next fifteen months as Arrowhead Parkway will be transformed to shoulder anticipated future traffic increases.
The current asphalt surface starts on the western edge at Arrowhead Parkway and S. Gordon Drive.
Changes will be small at first with lane reductions for the addition of asphalt on Monday and Tuesday. Things are currently a little rough with the top layer of asphalt skimmed off, but the replacement will smooth things out.
Once the pavement is down, part two will focus on the Highline Avenue/Arrowhead Parkway junction shown above. Those two projects will keep construction crews busy until late November.
Work will resume for the widening of the street in the Spring of 2018. Six lanes and a median will be the end result hopefully in November of 2018.
In a press release Sioux Falls visualizes traffic counts to increase from their current 18,000 per day to around 42,000 by 2040. It’s a testament to the growth on the east side of Sioux Falls and likely some magnetic pull from commuters in northwest Iowa that will serve as their conduit to South Dakota’s largest city.
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