NEW STUDY: Women Sleep Better With Dogs
Move over, guys. It turns out women sleep better with dogs than they do with humans.
According to a new study from the Journal of the International Society of Anthrozoology, women who cuddle with their four-legged friend sleep better than they do with a human partner. The study states, "Compared with human bed partners, dogs who slept in the owner’s bed were perceived to disturb sleep less and were associated with stronger feelings of comfort and security."
In addition, the study included results about women who sleep with cats. The results: dogs are better sleeping partners than cats. Supposedly sleeping with cats can be just as "disruptive" as sleeping with human partners. Women also felt less secure sleeping with cats than they did dogs. The study shares that "55% of participants shared their bed with at least one dog and 31% with at least one cat. In addition, 57% of participants shared their bed with a human partner."
Around 1,000 women across the United States took part in this study. According to the research, "Fifty-five percent of participants shared their bed with at least one dog and 31% with at least one cat. In addition, 57% of participants shared their bed with a human partner.”
Furthermore, the study indicates that dog owners tend to go to bed earlier with their furry friends. Consequently, dog owners are waking up earlier and are starting each day feeling refreshed.
Sweet dreams dog lovers.