After our long winters in South Dakota, we crave the taste of fresh produce - tomatoes picked from the vine, Grandma's rhubarb cake, fresh herbs for sauces. If you have trouble getting to the Saturday morning farmers' market at Falls Park, now there's an evening market in Sioux Falls.

Lake Lorraine in Sioux Falls will be hosting a Farmers' Market on Thursday from 4:00-7:00 PM starting June 20 and running through the summer. Lake Lorraine is located in the area of Sioux Falls Ford and Lowe's, just south of 26th and Marion Rd. The Farmers' Market will be set up on the west side of Lake Lorraine, in the south side of the parking lot of the Marion Road shops.

The market will feature beef, poultry, eggs, lamb, pork and vegetables from Hanisch Farms. Orange Creek Farms will have Angus beef, Berskshire pork, Katahdin lamb,and gourmet jerky. Start your garden with the help of Warner Produce. They'll have tomato and pepper plants for sale. Pampered Chef will also have a booth. Later this summer Dakota Mushrooms & Microrgreens and That Pickin' Patch will join the line-up.

Several Lake Lorraine businesses will be offering specials during the event.




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