Move over South Dakota, You’re No Longer the Least Regulated State in America
As of two months ago, South Dakota was the least regulated state in America.
Not anymore.
This week, Idaho's Governor Brad Little took to Twitter to brag about his state eliminating 1,804 pages from their administrative code, moving the Gem State ahead of the Mount Rushmore State on the list of states bound by the least red tape.
According to the Idaho Statesman, the state's previous 72,000 restrictions 30,936 have been eliminated.
Among Idaho's cuts were payphone regulations and the state's horse racing commission. The state also cut regulations in the real estate commission and the board of nursing.
South Dakota's previous low mark was about 44,000 regulations on the books. Alaska, Montana, and North Dakota are also among the least regulated states.
California is the most regulated state with 395,000 items in its state code. Other states high on the regulation list include New York, Illinois, Ohio, and Texas.