Kiss Adds Sioux City this Summer’s Freedom to Rock Tour
Kiss has announced Sioux City's Tyson Event Center as a stop on their Freedom to Rock tour on Wednesday, July 27th.
Kiss is one of America's top gold-record champions and have recorded 37 albums over 40 years, selling more than 100 million albums worldwide whose top hits include:
- “Detroit Rock City”
- “Beth”
- “Forever”
- “I Was Made For Loving You”
- “Rock & Roll All night”
- “Hard Luck Woman”
FAN CLUB PRE-SALE: Tuesday, April 12 at 10a-Thursday, April 14 at 10p
PRE-SALE: Thursday, April 14 from 10 a.m. -10 p.m.
password: DETROIT
GENERAL PUBLIC ON-SALE: Friday, April 15 at 10a.m. at all Tickermaster locations and online.
INDIVIDUAL: $125.00 / $89.50 / $39.50
FAN CLUB: $125.00 / $89.50 / $39.50
PRESALE: $125.00 / $89.50 / $39.50
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