South Dakota Is Hiring For Black Hills & Watertown Positions
On opposite sides of the state, South Dakota will be conducting two hiring events this month.
The South Dakota Department of Labor & Regulation will host a “Hire the Hills” recruiting and hiring event on Wednesday, July 19.
The event will be held from 12:00 PM - 2:30 PM at 2330 North Maple Ave., Suite 1.
Some of the area businesses represented will include Golden West Telecommunications, K & D Appliance, Rural America Initiatives, Avantara, Dakota Barricade, Black Hills Health Care System, McDonald’s, Dakota Panel, Chris Bro Hospitality, Superior Siding Inc., and Amcon Distributing.
The second event will be held in Watertown also on Wednesday, July 19.
“Walk-in Watertown” is set for 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at 2001 9th Ave. SW, Suite 200.
According to the SDDLR, Dakota Sioux Casino and Hotel, T-Mobile, Integrity Tool and Die, and Automated Waste Systems will be some of the businesses represented.
Interested individuals needing help with a resume or cover letter before the event in Rapid City can speak with a job advisor at 605-394-2296. For those inquiring about the Watertown positions call 605-882-5131. Or to view open positions before the event, go to southdakotaworks.org.