Yup, it's that time of year again! The City of Sioux Falls is opening its leaf and branch drop-off sites this Saturday, September 23, and will keep them open through Sunday, November 26.

There are two locations where you can drop off your yard debris and those are:

  • Lyon Boulevard near the Fairgrounds
Map of Lyon Boulevard leaf drop-off site
Courtesy City of Sioux Falls and Canva
  • Chambers Street near the Hazardous Household Waste Facility (1015 E. Chambers Street)
Map of Chambers Street Leaf drop-off site
Courtesy City of Sioux Falls and Canva

The two locations will be open Monday through Saturday from 9 AM to 5 PM and noon to 5 PM on Sundays.

These drop-off locations are for residential use only- -

cars, pickups, full-size SUVs, vans, and two-wheel trailers are accepted. Lawn service companies and commercial businesses will not be accepted and must go directly to the Sioux Falls Regional Sanitary Landfill

Branches and leaves must be in separate piles, and leaves must be taken out of plastic bags, as the bags are not accepted.

Getty/Thinkstock Images and Canva

They will also allow you to drop off pumpkins and in fact, encourage this method of disposal instead of throwing them in your trash.

Leaves deposited at the drop-off site are composted at the Landfill. Compost is available for free for residents to pick up year-round. So this is a win-win situation, you're getting rid of your leaves, they get recycled and you're saving space in the landfill while you're at it.

Finally,  All loads must be tarped or in an enclosed vehicle. Plastic bags, stumps, rubble, and household garbage are not accepted.

Happy yard work!

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