Look at the Prices on these Vintage South Dakota Restaurant Menus
Look at the Prices on these Vintage South Dakota Restaurant Menus
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ben Kuhns is just some guy on the internet. He is a wannabe writer, and his wife thinks he's funny. He writes for Results-Townsquare Media in Sioux Falls South Dakota.
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It has been one of the top topics of conversation in my house for the last few months, the prices they are charging for food these days.
When I say a top topic, I mean I complain about it so much my family just rolls their eyes when I go into a Pre- and Post-pandemic price comparison rant.

So, instead of complaining more, I wanted to take a dive into the past and see what restaurants were charging back in the day.
Luckily eBay had quite a few posts. Mostly from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. SO we gathered them up and present a look back at how much used to be charged for dinner at the Cataract Hotel Coffee Shop, Happy Chef, and other restaurants in South Dakota.