A South Dakota man was blessed that a bystander watched over him while enjoying a meal at the Brandon Steakhouse & Lounge on Wednesday, October 30th.

Parker resident and former Turner County Sheriff Byron Nogelmeier saved another man's life last week at the Brandon Steakhouse & Lounge. Byron was enjoying a meal with his wife when he noticed an older man named Earl fell out of his chair, and he knew something was not right.

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Without hesitation, Byron jumped into action and administered CPR on the scene to revive Earl until the ambulance arrived at the restaurant.

Byron credits his CPR classes and encourages others to learn CPR as well. You never know when you might need it to save a neighbor's life!

Good news for Earl: He will make a recovery and is doing well! Byron shared his story and the news in a Facebook post:

I went over and check for a pulse. I could not feel one. Another person was also checking, and she confirmed there was no pulse. I started CPR and the ambulance arrived and transport him to the hospital.
Today I receive a phone call from the wife, and she told me that her husband Earl was doing well and wanted to meet me and thank me for saving his life. I am not posting this to brag or gain fame. I am posting this because CPR worked on that day. If you have not taken a CPR class please find a class and learn it. You never know when the time will come when you have to go into action

I am CPR and AED certified myself. Years ago, I used my training on my sister who was choking on a tortilla chip. It's truly an essential lifesaving skill.

Way to go, Byron!

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