Six Very Unique South Dakota Things That’ll Make You Go ‘Huh’
If you've lived in South Dakota for decades as I have, you probably are familiar with some of our state's unusual exhibits, tourist stops, and out-of-the-way attractions. For you and me, they're...normal.
They're who we are.
But for you folks that have the pleasure of visiting our state for the first, second, or third time, they may seem a bit unusual, or at the very least different. Here are six examples of what I mean:

1) Hugh Glass Bear Battle I just happened to see the 2015 Leo DiCaprio film The Revenant on TV and it reminded me of the unique sculpture up by Lemmon. Finished in August 2015, this is not only an amazing piece to see but it's filled with history as well.
2) Center Of The Nation Monument Yep, if you've spent the majority of your years in South Dakota, you know the center of the nation is right here in the Sunshine State. In fact, if you travel up to the Belle Fourche area, you'll see a cool monument to that very fact.
3) Porter Sculpture Park And now, as they say, for something completely different. Over by Montrose, this sculpture park will not only make you go 'Huh', but it'll also make you smile. To call this park something different is like calling the Pacific that little body of water. Chances are you've never seen a cooler sculpture park in your life.
4) Cowboy Rides A Giant Walleye This sculpture up by Mobridge is of a cowboy...well...riding a...walleye. Trust me, this is something you need to see. And while you're in the area, bring along your rod and reel. The fishing's always great.
5) Adams Museum OK, Ok, everyone's familiar with Deadwood, but sometime between pulling the one-arm bandits and trying to hit a Blackjack, hike on over to the Adams Museum. History filled? Of course...and the two-headed calf is interesting, too.
6) Concrete Outline of USS South Dakota I know, I know, everyone in Sioux Falls is thinking 'What about that would make a person go 'Huh'. Well, many of us drive by it every day without a thought but bring a friend from out-of-state by, tell them about the history of the USS South Dakota, and they'll want to stop and take a look...and take a trip back in time. After all, it was the most decorated ship in WWII.
Oh, there's plenty more to make you go 'Huh' in our great state and maybe we'll get to those later. For now, these should get you started!
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