I recently came across an article posing the question, is it possible to love your dog and much as you love your child?

I am here to say without a doubt, it is unequivocally possible. And I have proof. You need to look no further than my wife, and the love affair she has with our dogs. Especially the younger dog we have.

We have two Wire Fox Terriers. One named Claire, the other Taylor.

Claire is 15 1/2 years old. She's an old grandma dog that pretty much likes to nap twenty out of the twenty four hours each day. Then there's Taylor. She's eight, going on 2 1/2!

Taylor is my wife's pal. Her shadow. They're inseparable most days. There's also a very good chance this dog could be one of the most spoiled animals on the planet.

Case in point, this dog has monogrammed sweaters, blankets, dog booties, and more toys to play with than the average kid has at a daycare.

The dog also makes weekly trips to "doggie day camp."

That's right, once a week my wife will load up this little hound in her car and shuttle her off to day camp so that the dog can play with other dogs!

Patti and Taylor Cruisin Together
Photo by Marc Elliott

And yes, in case you're wondering, those are doggles the dog is wearing in that picture. Kinda sicking isn't it?

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, the dog always needs to ride shotgun in the car. So that means when the three of us are riding together, guess who has the backseat?

I literately have taken a backseat to the family dog! How sad is that?

Why do I get the feeling my wife is going to be one of those people who wills everything she has to the dog.

My wife is just one of the countless number of people out there that love their pets a little more than a person probably should.

A new study at Massachusetts General Hospital has found it is possible to love your dog just as much as you love a child.

Researchers looked at brain scans of people reacting to their dogs and their babies. They found that the brain regions for emotions and rewards lit up similarly for photos of your dog and your baby. When the test subjects looked at photos of other people's dogs and babies, their brains didn't light up the same.

Proof you really can love your dog as much as your kid.

Now back to my situation. If you're reading this and thinking to yourself, jeez dude, put your foot down and grow a set will ya! I want you to know I have not spent one red cent of my own money on doggie day camp, doggles, gourmet dog snacks, or doggie day getaways.

That's all on my wife's dime, trust me.

As for having to ride in the backseat, it's not so bad. I just watch DVD's and pretend she's my chauffeur.






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