How Healthy Is The State of South Dakota?
Our bodies are just like cars. If you don't take of them, they will eventually break down. A better example: Without proper maintenance, our bodies will not operate or function properly.
Where we live and our access to affordable, quality healthcare, nutritional foods, and recreational venues really affects a person's mental and physical health. Sure, there may be plenty of workout facilities in every community, however, if COVID-19 taught us anything, we can't always rely on gyms or exercise facilities.
WalletHub recognizes the new health challenges we face thanks to the gripping global pandemic. In fact, the website surveyed over 180 cities in the country to determine which states are healthier than others. WalletHub's "data set ranges from the cost of a medical visit to fruit and vegetable consumption to COVID-19 cases."

So does South Dakota need to lose a few pounds or is the state in tip-top shape? The good news: Sioux Falls itself is happily sitting somewhere in the middle at #85. The not-so-great news...It's difficult to find any green space to enjoy the outdoors.
WalletHub's study shows that Sioux Falls particularly ranks high when it comes to food, fitness, and even health care. In fact, Sioux Falls is in the top five for most dietitians and nutritionists per capita. What's surprising is the lack of green spaces in the state. I blame it on the winter months and colder temperatures...need I say more after the last few weeks?
Despite the bone-chilling and gloomy weather we experience, when sunnier, warmer weather finally arrives, Mother Nature valiantly attempts to make up for the lost time outdoors. Enjoy the bike trails, explore new parks, and soak up the sun when you can!
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