‘Hot Dog Princess’ Is the Internet’s Biggest Hero
Not every girl dreams of being a princess.
A five-year-old North Carolina girl has gone viral after she wore a hot dog costume to dance school during its "Princess Week."
Ainsley is the adorable little girl whose choice of wardrobe has sent the internet into shivers of joy and started the #hotdogprincess trend on Twitter.
“We all needed a leader to say, ‘Hey, be yourself,’” said Marilyn Chappell, who's the director of Holly Springs School of Dance, where the moment took place. “How cool is it that a little girl in a hot dog costume is sending out that message?”
Yup, it sure looks like she's having a lot of bun fun.
“When I saw her walk up in that costume I thought it was so cute and funny and I loved it!,” her dance teacher Sarah Nativi, told ABC News. “We only have the girls dress up the last few weeks of school and there is a different theme each week.”
Check out some photos of Ainsley and the internet love she's getting for her outfit.