Have Rake? Will Travel? Rake the Town Takes the Spooky Out of Yard Work
If you have elderly parents or grandparents living a distance from you, you know about the worry that comes with the changing of summer into fall. "How will they get their yard work done?".
It's 'Rake the Town' to the Rescue!
This program helps over 400 elderly and disabled Sioux Empire residents in Sioux Falls, Brandon, Tea, and Harrisburg, who don't have family or friends available to help with yard work, who simply can't afford to hire someone to do it, and who cannot physically do it themselves.
This is a perfect volunteer project for individuals, students, businesses, or service and church groups, etc. You'll encounter a lot of gratitude while involved in this annual project, which is coming up on Friday and Saturday, October 28 and 29.
This yearly Rake the Town Project is more than just people working hard for elderly & disabled friends and neighbors doing yard cleanup. That effort makes it possible for these homeowners who want to remain independent in their own homes but need a little extra help with chores to do it.
Leaf bags are provided but volunteers are asked to bring their own rakes and when possible, haul the bags to the leaf drop-off site.
Our community benefits from the beautification of the neighborhood and the volunteers benefit from the rewarding experience of working together to help those in need, not to mention the smart talk and laughter during the process!
So if you or your group can spread some love while raking - - call Active Generations at 605-333-3317 or the Helpline Center at 211! You can also register online.
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