Get Your Ride On – For A Good Cause
Put some excitement in your weekend with a free motorcycle ride for a good cause! Head to Vern Edie Motoplex of Sioux Falls for the 2014 Indian Motorcycle Spring Demo Days.
Friday and Saturday, April 25th and 26th, from 9:00am to 4:00pm, you can demo a Thunder Stroke 111, Chief Classic Cruiser, Chief Vintage Soft Bagger, or Chieftan Hard Bagger.
For everyone who rides that day, and throughout the month of May, Vern Eide will make a $10 donation to the Sioux Falls Children's Inn, the local domestic violence and child abuse shelter.
I had a chance to talk to Steve Nunn, the general manager at Vern Eide Motoplex about the event:
For more on the iconic Indian Motorcycle brand, I turned to Greg Lake, Vern Eide's in-house Indian expert:
I asked Staci Kropuenske from the Children's Inn about the number of people currently housed at the facility:
No pre-registration is required, just show up ready to ride! There's also going to be free lunch Saturday!
You can find Vern Eide Motoplex right off I-90 just East of the 60th Street North exit: